
“Let my words be honey to the soul so they may pour light back into the world” – Angie

Welcome to my home. My little place in the world, where adventures happen every day!

Meet Belle: The sweet and welcoming one. She is quite hefty during the winter months. She likes to sleep in any vehicle given an opportunity, and gets into trouble only when she is let in the house as she likes to check the counter tops for any goodies that may have been overlooked or left out.
Meet Veronica: Our squinty eyed little prissy princess. She has long fluffy hair and doesn’t mind getting muddy and wet. She likes to walk along the rafters in the barn chasing birds and mice and makes herself at home on every diesel and vehicle windshield on the the place. Every visitor is left with her signature paw prints on their car.
Meet Madea: The bossy one. As a kitten she was the quiet one but as she has grown up she has found her voice and is really a talker. She prefers to drink out of the toilet and would eat all day if you let her. She gets out and about to hunt but really likes to stay in the garage or in the house and doesn’t mind telling you she needs in and out all day long

The pups: Raine and Onyx our English Mastiffs. They are huge. They eat a lot and enjoy guarding the farm and following us around. They like to ride up front rather than in the back of the truck. Summer is fun for these two only when they are allowed to run free to the lagoons and to the neighbors for some attention.

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